Thank you for being a reader and possibly a subscriber to our site, BlogXpertise. While still very young as far as blogs are concerned, we're thrilled with the responses that our posts have received (over 350 comments on 45 posts!), emails of thanks we've received, and the hundreds (perhaps thousands?) of people who have downloaded our templates and installed them on their sites.
Thank you, you're all amazing, and we're glad that we can help you make your Blogger sites even more spectacular!
We know all of you have a Gmail account because, well, you need one in order to have a Blogger website. As such, we highly recommend that you consider creating a Google+ profile, and eventually linking them up. While we'll discuss many of the reasons why in a future post, for the purposes of this post, we'd like you to add our Blog Page to your circles! We often have discussions during the week, between posts, and it's also a great way to network with other Blogger users, ask us questions, etc.
You might have already read how we've been doing a series of Google+ Hangouts with Lisa Ding, Community Manager for Blogger at Google. We plan on doing more of them (if she'll continue to invite us!), and they're often a more accessible way to learn more about Blogger.
and lastly...
The Friday Request Line!
Every Friday, schedule permitting, we will be hosting a Friday Request Line using Google+ Hangouts. This Hangout is open to everyone, but we want to encourage you to check our Google+ Page for the next event and confirm that you're going to attend. Events will be at 2pm EST. Come ready to discuss your blog, ask questions, seek assistance, etc. or simply for the entertainment!
BlogXpertise is a creation of Confluent Forms LLC, a boutique design and software development firm based in Easthampton, MA. Our goal in every project is to provide a superior final product that empowers our customers, their users and their audience. If you're looking for a firm to create a gorgeous website for you, or build custom software for your business, please give us a call!
Tip: Updated way to remove the Blogger NavbarIt's been a while since we took a look at the Blogger navbar, mainly because we simply got in t…
Featured Blogger site: Renew PilatesRenew Pilates in Easthampton, MA provides private, semi-private and small group pilates instructio…
Question: Where do my images get stored when I add them to my blog?When you first sign in and create a new blog in Blogger, you might not know this, but you are unlea…
Group blogging and blogging in the classroomWe normally talk about blogging as a personal project or a business project; unfortunately we often…
Featured Blogger Site: Our own Confluent Forms LLC!You know the maxim that the cobbler's children have no shoes? No longer! After years of discuss…
Tip: Understanding the Atom/RSS feeds created by BloggerIf you've heard of RSS feeds, you probably know that they're a way for your site's fans…
Tip: Making index page images link to the post pageThis tip mainly applies to blogs that take advantage of jump breaks in their posts as a way to shor…
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